VDJMLpy is a Python module for working with the results of immune receptor sequence alignment in VDJML format. It is built as bindings to libVDJML, a C++ library.


vdjml_py Overview

API reference

class Aa_substitution

amino acid substitution

gl_aa((Aa_substitution)arg1) → Aminoacid :

amino acid encoded by the germline sequence

read_aa((Aa_substitution)arg1) → Aminoacid :

amino acid encoded by the read sequence

read_position((Aa_substitution)arg1) → int :

0-based read position of the codone’s first nucleotide

class Aa_substitutions_set

Set of amino acid substitutions

empty((Aa_substitutions_set)arg1) → bool :

Indicates if there are AA substitutions or not

class Aligner_id

Aligner software ID

class Aligner_info

Info about aligner software

id((Aligner_info)arg1) → Aligner_id :

Aligner software ID

name((Aligner_info)arg1) → str :

Aligner software name

parameters((Aligner_info)arg1) → str :

Parameters used for the alignment

run_id((Aligner_info)arg1) → int :

Aligner software run id

uri((Aligner_info)arg1) → str :

Aligner software URI

version((Aligner_info)arg1) → str :

Aligner software version

class Aligner_map

aligner info map

empty((Aligner_map)arg1) → bool
class Btop

Blast trace-back operations, alignment description

empty((Btop)arg1) → bool :

return True if Btop is empty

class Btop_stats



number of deletions (from read sequence)


length of the aligned germline sequence


number of insertions (in read sequence)

matches((Btop_stats)arg1) → int :

number of matches in the alignment


length of the aligned read sequence


number of substitutions

class Codon_match

Information about a pair of aligned codons, nucleotide triples, which may potentially contain gaps

gl_char((Codon_match)arg1, (int)i) → str :
Parameters:i (int) – nucleotide position in the codon [0,2]
Returns:codon nucleotide in germline sequence
gl_nuc((Codon_match)arg1, (int)i) → Nucleotide :
Parameters:i (int) – nucleotide position in the codon [0,2]
Returns:codon nucleotide in germline sequence
gl_pos((Codon_match)arg1[, (int)i=0]) → int :
Parameters:i (int) – nucleotide position in the codon [0,2]
Returns:position of codon nucleotide in germline sequence; if a deletion, return position of the first nucleotide to the right, if at end of sequence, return sequence length
is_gl_contiguous((Codon_match)arg1) → bool :
Returns:True if germline codon contains no gaps
is_gl_translatable((Codon_match)arg1) → bool :
Returns:True if germline codon can be unambiguously translated
is_match((Codon_match)arg1) → bool :
Returns:True if same nucleotides in read and germline
is_read_contiguous((Codon_match)arg1) → bool :
Returns:True if read codon contains no gaps
is_read_translatable((Codon_match)arg1) → bool :
Returns:True if read codon can be unambiguously translated
is_silent((Codon_match)arg1) → bool :
Returns:True if is_match() or if translate_read() == translate_gl()
Raises:RuntimeError – if not is_match() and not is_translatable()
is_translatable((Codon_match)arg1) → bool :
Returns:True if both codons can be unambiguously translated
read_char((Codon_match)arg1, (int)i) → str :
Parameters:i (int) – nucleotide position in the codon [0,2]
Returns:codon nucleotide in read sequence
read_nuc((Codon_match)arg1, (int)i) → Nucleotide :
Parameters:i (int) – nucleotide position in the codon [0,2]
Returns:codon nucleotide in read sequence
read_pos((Codon_match)arg1[, (int)i=0]) → int :
Parameters:i (int) – nucleotide position in the codon [0,2]
Returns:position of codon nucleotide in read sequence; if a deletion, return position of the first nucleotide to the right, if at end of sequence, return sequence length
translate_gl((Codon_match)arg1) → Aminoacid :
Returns:amino acid encoded by germline codon
Raises:RuntimeError – if not is_gl_translatable()
translate_read((Codon_match)arg1) → Aminoacid :
Returns:amino acid encoded by read codon
Raises:RuntimeError – if not is_read_translatable()
class Gene_region

information about gene region alignment

aligner((Gene_region)arg1) → Aligner_id :

aligner ID

match_metrics((Gene_region)arg1) → Match_metrics :

match metrics

numbering_system((Gene_region)arg1) → Numsys_id :

numbering system ID

read_range((Gene_region)arg1) → Interval :

read sequence range

region_type((Gene_region)arg1) → Region_id :

region ID

class Gene_region_map

map of gene region names

empty((Gene_region_map)arg1) → bool
class Gene_region_set

set of gene regions

empty((Gene_region_set)arg1) → bool
class Germline_db_map

map of germline database descriptions

empty((Germline_db_map)arg1) → bool
class Gl_db_id

Germline database ID

class Gl_db_info

Info about germline sequences database

id((Gl_db_info)arg1) → Gl_db_id :

germline database ID

name((Gl_db_info)arg1) → str :

germline database name

species((Gl_db_info)arg1) → str :

germline database species

uri((Gl_db_info)arg1) → str :

germline database URI

version((Gl_db_info)arg1) → str :

germline database version

class Gl_seg_id

Germline segment ID

class Gl_seg_match_id

Germline segment match ID

class Gl_segment_info

germline segment description

gl_database((Gl_segment_info)arg1) → Gl_db_id :

germline database ID

id((Gl_segment_info)arg1) → Gl_seg_id :

germline segment ID

name((Gl_segment_info)arg1) → str :

germline segment name

segment_type((Gl_segment_info)arg1) → object :

germline segment type

class Gl_segment_map

Map of germline segments aligned to read interval

empty((Gl_segment_map)arg1) → bool :

Indicates if there are germline segments or not

class Gl_segment_match

Alignment to germline segment

aligner((Gl_segment_match)arg1) → Aligner_id :

ID of the software that aligned the germline segment

gl_position((Gl_segment_match)arg1) → int :

first aligned position index of the germline segment

gl_segment((Gl_segment_match)arg1) → Gl_seg_id :

germline segment ID

id((Gl_segment_match)arg1) → Gl_seg_match_id :

germline segment match ID

num_system((Gl_segment_match)arg1) → Numsys_id :

germline segment numbering system ID

class Interval

sequence interval

static first_last0((int)first0, (int)last0) → Interval :

create interval from 0-based first and last positions

static first_last1((int)first1, (int)last1) → Interval :

create interval from 1-based first and last positions

last0((Interval)arg1) → int
last1((Interval)arg1) → int
length((Interval)arg1) → int
pos0((Interval)arg1) → int
static pos0_len((int)pos0, (int)len) → Interval :

create interval from 0-based starting position and length

pos1((Interval)arg1) → int
class Match_metrics

Metrics of sequence alignment

deletions((Match_metrics)arg1) → int :

number of bases deleted in the read

frame_shift((Match_metrics)arg1) → bool :

return True if a frame shift is present (out_frame_indel() || out_frame_vdj())

identity((Match_metrics)arg1) → Percent :

percent identity

insertions((Match_metrics)arg1) → int :

number of bases inserted in the read

inverted((Match_metrics)arg1) → bool :

return True if sequence inverted

mutated_invariant((Match_metrics)arg1) → bool :

return True if invariant amino acid mutated

out_frame_indel((Match_metrics)arg1) → bool :

return True if INDEL causes frameshift

out_frame_vdj((Match_metrics)arg1) → bool :

return True if VDJ rearrangement is out of frame

productive((Match_metrics)arg1) → bool :

return True if sequence is productive ( ! (out_frame_indel() || out_frame_vdj() || mutated_invariant()) )

score((Match_metrics)arg1) → int :

alignment score

stop_codon((Match_metrics)arg1) → bool :

return True if stop codon present

substitutions((Match_metrics)arg1) → int :

number of base substitutions

class Nucleotide_match

Information about a pair of aligned nucleotides, which may be a match, substitution, insertion, or deletion

gl_nuc((Nucleotide_match)arg1) → str :

return nucleotide character in germline sequence; if the mismatch is an insertion, return ‘-‘

gl_pos((Nucleotide_match)arg1) → int :

return position of nucleotide in germline sequence; if an insertion, return position of the first nucleotide to the right, if at end of sequence, return sequence length

is_deletion((Nucleotide_match)arg1) → bool :

return True if a deletion (from read sequence)

is_insertion((Nucleotide_match)arg1) → bool :

return True if insertion (in read sequence)

is_match((Nucleotide_match)arg1) → bool :

return True if mismatch

read_nuc((Nucleotide_match)arg1) → str :

return nucleotide character in read sequence; if the mismatch is a deletion, return ‘-‘

read_pos((Nucleotide_match)arg1) → int :

return position of nucleotide in read sequence; if a deletion, return position of the first nucleotide to the right, if at end of sequence, return sequence length

class Num_system_map

map of numbering system names

empty((Num_system_map)arg1) → bool
class Numsys_id

Numbering system ID

class Read_result

Analysis results for one sequencing read

id((Read_result)arg1) → str :

read ID string

insert((Read_result)arg1, (Segment_match)arg2) → Seg_match_id :

insert segment match

insert( (Read_result)arg1, (Segment_combination)arg2) -> None :
insert combination of segment matches
segment_combinations((Read_result)arg1) → Segment_combinations_list :

list of segment combinations

segment_matches((Read_result)arg1) → Segment_match_map :

map of segment matches

class Region_id

Gene region type ID

class Result_builder

Construct alignment results for one sequencing read

get((Result_builder)arg1) → Read_result :

get result object (internal reference)

insert_segment_combination((Result_builder)arg1, (Seg_match_id)seg_match_1[, (Seg_match_id)seg_match_2=<vdjml._vdjml_py.Seg_match_id object at 0x7f84d76c5de0>[, (Seg_match_id)seg_match_3=<vdjml._vdjml_py.Seg_match_id object at 0x7f84d76c5d70>[, (Seg_match_id)seg_match_4=<vdjml._vdjml_py.Seg_match_id object at 0x7f84d76c5d00>[, (Seg_match_id)seg_match_5=<vdjml._vdjml_py.Seg_match_id object at 0x7f84d76c5c90>]]]]) → Segment_combination_builder
insert_segment_match((Result_builder)arg1, (int)read_pos0, (str)btop, (str)vdj, (str)seg_name, (int)gl_pos0[, (Match_metrics)metric=<vdjml._vdjml_py.Match_metrics object at 0x7f84db3e8938>[, (Gl_db_id)gl_database=<vdjml._vdjml_py.Gl_db_id object at 0x7f84d76c5f30>[, (Numsys_id)num_system=<vdjml._vdjml_py.Numsys_id object at 0x7f84d76c5ec0>[, (Aligner_id)aligner=<vdjml._vdjml_py.Aligner_id object at 0x7f84d76c5e50>]]]]) → Segment_match_builder :

add new segment match

release((Result_builder)arg1) → Read_result :

get final result object (independent copy); Result_builder object cannot be used anymore

class Result_factory

Construct alignment results for many sequencing reads

new_result((Result_factory)arg1, (str)read_id) → Result_builder :

new result builder

set_default_aligner((Result_factory)arg1, (Aligner_id)arg2) → None :

set default aligner

set_default_aligner( (Result_factory)arg1, (str)name, (str)version [, (str)parameters=’’ [, (str)uri=’’ [, (int)run_id=0]]]) -> Aligner_id :
set default aligner
set_default_gl_database((Result_factory)arg1, (Gl_db_id)arg2) → None :

set default germline database

set_default_gl_database( (Result_factory)arg1, (str)name, (str)version, (str)species [, (str)url=’‘]) -> Gl_db_id :
set default germline database
set_default_num_system((Result_factory)arg1, (Numsys_id)arg2) → None :

set default numbering system

set_default_num_system( (Result_factory)arg1, (str)name) -> Numsys_id :
set default numbering system
class Result_store

Storage of sequencing read results

empty((Result_store)arg1) → bool
insert((Result_store)arg1, (Read_result)arg2) → None :

add new result

meta((Result_store)arg1) → Results_meta
class Results_meta

Metadata for a collection of alignment results of sequencing reads

aligner_map((Results_meta)arg1) → Aligner_map :

return a map of aligner software descriptions

gene_region_map((Results_meta)arg1) → Gene_region_map :

return a map of gene region descriptions

gl_db_map((Results_meta)arg1) → Germline_db_map :

return a map of germline database descriptions

gl_segment_map((Results_meta)arg1) → Gl_segment_map :

return a map of germline segment descriptions

insert((Results_meta)arg1, (Aligner_info)arg2) → Aligner_id :

insert information about aligner software

insert( (Results_meta)arg1, (Gl_db_info)arg2) -> Gl_db_id :
insert information about database of germline segments
insert( (Results_meta)arg1, (Gl_segment_info)arg2) -> Gl_seg_id :
insert information about germline segment
num_system_map((Results_meta)arg1) → Num_system_map :

return a map of numbering systems

class Seg_match_id

Segment match ID

class Segment_combination

combination of aligned germline segments

insert((Segment_combination)arg1, (Seg_match_id)arg2) → None :

insert segment match ID

insert( (Segment_combination)arg1, (Gene_region)arg2) -> None :
insert gene region
regions((Segment_combination)arg1) → Gene_region_set :

collection of gene regions

segments((Segment_combination)arg1) → Segment_match_id_set :

set of segment match IDs

class Segment_combination_builder

Construct alignment results for a combination of germline gene segments

insert_region((Segment_combination_builder)arg1, (str)name, (Interval)read_range[, (Match_metrics)metric=<vdjml._vdjml_py.Match_metrics object at 0x7f84db3e88c0>[, (Numsys_id)num_system=<vdjml._vdjml_py.Numsys_id object at 0x7f84d76c5980>[, (Aligner_id)aligner_id=<vdjml._vdjml_py.Aligner_id object at 0x7f84d76c5910>]]]) → None
insert_region( (Segment_combination_builder)arg1, (Region_id)region, (Interval)read_range [, (Match_metrics)metric=<vdjml._vdjml_py.Match_metrics object at 0x7f84db3e8848> [, (Numsys_id)num_system=<vdjml._vdjml_py.Numsys_id object at 0x7f84d76c58a0> [, (Aligner_id)aligner_id=<vdjml._vdjml_py.Aligner_id object at 0x7f84d76c5830>]]]) -> None :

indicate gene region location in read sequence

param region:Region_id, type of region
param read_range:
 Interval, start and end positions in read sequence
param metric:Match_metrics, alignment metrics between read and germline sequences; default: no metrics recorded
param num_system:
 Numsys_id, default: no numbering system recorded
param aligner_id:
 Aligner_id, default: current aligner ID is used
class Segment_match

Alignment results for a read segment

aa_substitutions((Segment_match)arg1) → Aa_substitutions_set :

amino acid substitutions

btop((Segment_match)arg1) → Btop :

BTOP alignment description

gl_length((Segment_match)arg1) → int :

length of the aligned germline segment(s)

gl_range((Segment_match)arg1) → Interval :

nucleotide range of the first germline sequence that matches the read sequence

gl_range( (Segment_match)arg1, (Gl_segment_match)arg2) -> Interval :
nucleotide range of the specified germline sequence that matches the read sequence
gl_segments((Segment_match)arg1) → Gl_segment_map :

germline segment map

id((Segment_match)arg1) → Seg_match_id :

segment match ID

insert((Segment_match)arg1, (Gl_segment_match)arg2) → Gl_seg_match_id :

insert germline segment match

insert( (Segment_match)arg1, (Aa_substitution)arg2) -> None :
insert amino acid substitution
match_metrics((Segment_match)arg1) → Match_metrics :

alignment metrics

read_range((Segment_match)arg1) → Interval :

read sequence nucleotide range that matches to germline segment

class Segment_match_builder

Construct alignment results for one sequencing read segment match

get((Segment_match_builder)arg1) → Segment_match :

get segment match structure

insert_aa_substitution((Segment_match_builder)arg1, (int)read_pos0, (str)read_aa, (str)gl_aa) → None :

add amino acid substitution information

insert_aa_substitution( (Segment_match_builder)arg1, (int)read_pos0, (str)read_aa, (str)gl_aa) -> None :
add amino acid substitution information
insert_gl_segment_match((Segment_match_builder)arg1, (Gl_seg_id)gl_segment_id, (int)pos0[, (Numsys_id)num_system_id=<vdjml._vdjml_py.Numsys_id object at 0x7f84d76c5c20>[, (Aligner_id)aligner=<vdjml._vdjml_py.Aligner_id object at 0x7f84d76c5bb0>]]) → Gl_seg_match_id :

add germline segment alignment info

insert_gl_segment_match( (Segment_match_builder)arg1, (str)vdj, (str)seg_name, (int)gl_pos0 [, (Gl_db_id)gl_database=<vdjml._vdjml_py.Gl_db_id object at 0x7f84d76c5b40> [, (Numsys_id)num_system=<vdjml._vdjml_py.Numsys_id object at 0x7f84d76c5ad0> [, (Aligner_id)aligner=<vdjml._vdjml_py.Aligner_id object at 0x7f84d76c5a60>]]]) -> Gl_seg_match_id :
add germline segment alignment info
class Segment_match_id_set

set of segment match IDs

empty((Segment_match_id_set)arg1) → bool
class Segment_match_map

Collection of segment matches

empty((Segment_match_map)arg1) → bool
class Sequence_match

Aligned sequences, start and end indices


last plus one position for aligned read and germline sequences


aligned read and germline sequences


0-based starting position for aligned read and germline sequences

class Vdjml_generator_info

Info about aligner software

datetime((Vdjml_generator_info)arg1) → object :

file creation date and time, GMT

datetime_str((Vdjml_generator_info)arg1) → str :

file creation date and time, GMT

name((Vdjml_generator_info)arg1) → str :

VDJML file generator name

version((Vdjml_generator_info)arg1) → str :

VDJML file generator version

class Vdjml_reader

Incrementally parse VDJML read-by-read

generator_info((Vdjml_reader)arg1) → Vdjml_generator_info :

information about VDJML generator

has_result((Vdjml_reader)arg1) → bool :

return True if result was found

meta((Vdjml_reader)arg1) → Results_meta :

results meta

next((Vdjml_reader)arg1) → None :

parse next read result

result((Vdjml_reader)arg1) → Read_result :

return parsed result

version((Vdjml_reader)arg1) → int :

VDJML version of the file

version_str((Vdjml_reader)arg1) → str :

VDJML version of the file

class Vdjml_writer

Incrementally serialize VDJ alignment results

class Xml_writer_options

Options for XML output


output buffer size


indentation string


quotation character

codons((Btop)btop[, (int)read_start=18446744073709551615L[, (int)gl_start=18446744073709551615L[, (str)read_seq=''[, (str)gl_seq=''[, (bool)follow_read=False[, (bool)follow_gl=False[, (str)match_char='.']]]]]]]) → object :
Returns:codon iterator
mismatches((Btop)btop) → Mismatch_iter :

return nucleotide mismatch iterator

nucleotide_match((Btop)btop[, (int)read_pos0=18446744073709551615L[, (int)gl_pos0=18446744073709551615L[, (str)read_seq=''[, (str)gl_seq=''[, (str)match_char='.']]]]]) → Nucleotide_match :

Provides information about a pair of aligned nucleotides

param btop:Btop BTOP structure
param read_pos0:
 0-based position relative to read sequence
param gl_pos0:0-based position relative to germline sequence
param read_seq:read sequence
param gl_seq:germline sequence
param match_char:
 char, character to indicate matching nucleotides
return:Nucleotide_match information about two aligned nucleotides
nucleotide_match( (Segment_match)sm, (object)pos0 [, (Gl_segment_match)gsm]) -> Nucleotide_match :
Generate Nucleotide_match, information about two aligned
nucleotides((Btop)btop[, (str)read_seq=''[, (str)gl_seq=''[, (str)match_char='.']]]) → object :

return nucleotide iterator

numbering_system((Gl_segment_match)gl_segment_match, (Results_meta)meta) → str :

return numbering system name

segment_name((Gl_segment_match)gl_segment_match, (Results_meta)meta) → str :

return segment name

segment_type((Gl_segment_match)gl_segment_match, (Results_meta)meta) → str :

return numbering system name

sequence_match((Btop)btop[, (int)read_start=18446744073709551615L[, (int)read_end=18446744073709551615L[, (int)gl_start=18446744073709551615L[, (int)gl_end=18446744073709551615L[, (str)read_seq=''[, (str)gl_seq=''[, (str)match_char='.']]]]]]]) → Sequence_match :

Generate a pair of aligned sequences with positions for start and end

  • btopBtop, BTOP structure
  • read_start – position for alignment start (0-based, relative to read sequence)
  • read_end – position for alignment end (0-based, relative to read sequence)
  • gl_start – position for alignment start (0-based, relative to germline sequence)
  • gl_end – position for alignment end (0-based, relative to germline sequence)
  • read_seq – read sequence
  • gl_seq – germline sequence
  • match_charchar, character to indicate matching nucleotides


trim_complement((str)seq, (Interval)interval, (bool)reverse) → str :

Trim and optionally reverse-complement a sequence

write_to_file((str)path, (Result_store)store[, (Compression)compression=vdjml._vdjml_py.Compression.Unknown_compression[, (int)version=1000[, (Xml_writer_options)options=<vdjml._vdjml_py.Xml_writer_options object at 0x7f84db3de2d8>]]]) → None

vdjml/python/igblast_parse.py is part of VDJML project Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0; see doc/license.txt. Copyright, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, 2014 Author Edward A. Salinas 2014

comp_dna(dna, allowIUPAC=False)

complement a string (of DNA) allow IUPAC complementing if desired

compareIGBlastJuncDataWithQueryJuncData(query_rec, igblastSeq, igBlastInterval, inverted_flag)

The basic idea of this suburoutine is as follows: 1) Assuming the query read is given proceed to step #2 2) Recive the junction interval passed in (computed by the code) AND receive the junction sequence passed in (given by IGBLAST) 3) compare the sequence given by IgBLAST with the sequence extracted from the read (using the computed interval taking into account inversion or not) 4) if the SEQUENCE extracted from the read from the computed interval does NOT match the sequence as given by IgBLAST, then print out an error message


If an item is a list, return the first item if it’s found if the item is not a list, just return the item

extractJunctionRegionSeq(jRegion, query_rec)

given a pyVDJML junction region, return the sequece as it would appear in IGBLAST output

extractSubSeq(interval, seq, is_inverted)

given a seq record, an interval into it, and an inverted flag (telling whether interval is in the opposite strand or not) return the subsequence (inclusive) indicated by the interval NOTE that the interval has 1-based indices

getRevCompInterval(i, seq_len_in_bp)

given an interval (in list form [from,to]) with 1-based indesing AND given a sequence length in BP return the same interval but on the reverse strand

form an interval in one strand find the interval in the reverse complement strand


from a BTOP string extract the numbers of insertions, deletions, and substitutions in the BTOP for the pairs, the first character belongs to the READ(query), the second to the GERMLINE(subject)

makeMap(col_list, val_tab_str)

from a column list (keys) and tab-separated values make a dict/map


given a characterization map for a region, make a metrics object

obtainJuncIntervalAndSeq(juncMapKey, juncMap, juncFirstStartSegMap, juncFirstEndSegMap, isVJJunc=False)

Analyze the junction sequence and look at the areas surrounding the junction (anchors on each end VJ, DJ, VD) Based on the analysis compute a read interval and declare it to be the junction. Return that interval as well as the sequence as a package via an array. Testing of this code with real data (millions of reads) has shown that when intervals and sequences are returned that when the interval is used with the actual read that the returned sequences from here match the sequences retrieved from the read using the computed interval.


little utility to print a map

scanOutputToVDJML(input_file, fact, fasta_query_path=None)

Scan lines of IgBLAST output Use # at the beginning of lines to identify IgBLAST sections of output. Based on those sections interpret/classify the output (as alignment summary or hit data for example) and package/accumulate the data. Then, once the end of a record is reached (as indicated by processing the number of hits as it said it got) Send the accumulated/aggreagated/packaged data to vdjml_read_serialize to turn the data into a PyVDJML object. And then return that created/serialized object