pipeline for processing DNA sequence data
►Nboost | |
►Nspirit | |
►Ntraits | |
Cchar_type_of< boost::string_ref > | |
Cis_string< boost::string_ref > | |
Cmulti_array | |
►Nvdj_pipe | Main namespace of vdj_pipe library |
►Nanonymous_namespace{file_ostream_queue.cpp} | |
CEqual | |
CHash | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{histogram_step.cpp} | |
CCompare_vv | |
CCompare_vvv | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{pipe_paired_emid_read.cpp} | |
CFour_file_ids | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{sanitize_string.cpp} | |
CEscape | |
►Ndetail | |
CBase_id | |
CEqual_string_ref | |
CExternal_mid_base | |
CFilter_base | |
CGetter | Extract object by its ID and apply member function |
►CId_bimap | |
CEqual_id | |
CEqual_obj | |
CHash_id | |
CId_map | |
CInserter | |
CInterval_checking_policy | |
CInterval_checking_policy< int > | |
CNamed_value_map | Store values mapped against name strings and value IDs |
►CParser_line | Basic line-based parser; use to derive other parsers |
CErr | |
CQueable_ofstream_types | |
CSeq_props | |
►CStep_base | |
CErr | |
CStep_base_paired | |
CStep_base_paired_emid | |
CStep_base_single | |
CType_name | |
CVector_set | Collection of unique objects stored in an ordered vector |
CWindow_filter_base | |
►Ngdst | |
CBranch | |
CChildren | |
CCommon_subseq | Common subsequence |
CDepth_iter | |
►CGdst | Generalized DNA suffix tree |
CErr | |
CGdst_stats | |
CLeaf | Store suffixes Each leaf is attached to a branch and stores suffixes that have the length of the branch' index. Since the length of the suffixes is known, only the sequence ID is stored |
CMatch | Results of matching pattern to suffix tree |
CPattern_iter | Navigate suffix tree according to pattern |
CUkkonen_inserter | According to: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/~sahni/dsaaj/enrich/c16/suffix.htm http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9452701 |
►Nmatch | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{me_battery.cpp} | |
CFinish_visitor | |
►CCut_proto | |
CErr | |
►CElement_proto | |
CErr | |
►CMatch_combination | |
CErr | |
►CMatch_element_aligned | Identify DNA sequence interval by finding the best alignment |
CErr | |
►CMatch_element_ambiguous | Find best match between DNA sequence interval and a set of sequences without gaps that may include ambiguous nucleotides |
CErr | |
►CMatch_element_battery | |
CErr | |
►CMatch_element_factory | |
CErr | |
►CMatch_element_positional | Identify DNA sequence interval by position only |
CErr | |
►CMatch_element_short | Find best match between DNA sequence interval and a set of short sequences without gaps |
CErr | |
CMatch_element_visitor | |
CRelative_interval | |
CRelative_position | Sequence position defined relatively to an interval |
CTruncate | |
►Nstep | |
►CApply_to_maker | |
CErr | |
CFind_maker | |
CFind_maker< Apply_many > | |
CFind_maker< Apply_one > | |
CMaker | |
►CStep_builder_registry | |
CInsert | |
►Ntest | Namespace for unit-tests |
CException_fixture | |
CId1 | |
CId2 | |
CStep_harness | |
CAmbiguous_window_filter | |
►CApply_many | Apply enclosed processing step multiple times to sequence reads of specified kind: forward, reverse, or merged |
CVisitor | |
CApply_one | Apply enclosed processing step once to a sequence read of specified kind: forward, reverse, or merged |
CAverage_quality_filter | |
CAverage_quality_window_filter | |
Cbase_exception | |
CBest_match_pair | |
CBlank | |
CBlank_step | |
CCharacter_filter | |
►CCommand_line_options | |
CErr | |
CComposition_stats | |
CConfig_paired_emid_reads | |
CConfig_paired_reads | |
CConfig_single_reads | |
CExternal_mid_infile | Look for external MIDs in separate files |
CExternal_mid_inline | Look for external MIDs in FASTA/Q description lines |
►CFile | |
CErr | |
CFile_input | File target is supposed to exist at construction time |
►CFile_istream | |
CErr | |
►CFile_ostream | |
CErr | |
►CFile_ostream_queue | Stack of recently used output file streams |
CErr | |
►CFile_ostream_variant | Select output file based on variables in value map |
CErr | |
CFile_output | File target is created if needed at construction time |
CFind_shared | |
CFinish_visitor | |
►CGet_match_length | Set a fraction of sequence length to match |
CErr | |
CGroup_count | |
CGroup_unique | |
CHistogram_1d | Simple unsigned integer-based histogram |
CHistogram_step | |
CHomopolymer_filter | |
CId_iterator | |
CIdentity | Why is it not in STL? |
►CInput_manager | |
CErr | |
CIs_ambiguous | |
CLength_filter | |
CLib_info | Library info |
►CMatch_fraction_length | Set a fraction of sequence length to match |
CErr | |
CMatch_full_length | Require full sequence to match |
CMatch_ignore_ends | Set a minimal sequence length to match allowing for some mismatch at ends |
CMatch_min_length | Set a minimal sequence length to match |
CMatch_step | |
CMerge_paired | |
CMerge_result | |
CMin_quality_filter | |
CMin_quality_window_filter | |
CNull_buff | |
►COutput_manager | |
CErr | |
CParser_fasta | |
CParser_fastq | Parser for FASTQ files |
CParser_qual | |
►CPipe_environment | |
CErr | |
►CPipe_paired_emid_read | Process paired reads with external MIDs |
CErr | |
►CPipe_paired_read | Process paired reads with external MIDs |
CErr | |
►CPipe_single_read | |
CErr | |
CPipeline | |
CPipeline_input | |
CQual_record | |
CQual_stats | |
CQuality | |
►CQueable_ofstream | |
CErr | |
CRead_ginfo | Read ID and group ID |
►CRead_ginfo_store | Read ID and group ID |
CErr | |
CRead_info | |
►CRead_info_store | Store sequence-related information |
CErr | |
CRun_visitor | |
CSeq_entry | |
CSeq_file | |
►CSeq_file_entry | |
CErr | |
►CSeq_file_map | |
CErr | |
CPair | |
CSeq_fls | Store short sequence in an integer |
►CSeq_map_aligned | |
CErr | |
CMatch | |
►CSeq_map_full | |
CErr | |
►CSeq_map_short | |
CErr | |
CSeq_match | |
CSeq_meta | |
CSeq_pos | |
CSeq_qual_record | |
CSeq_record | |
CSeq_store | Store sequence and related information |
CSequence_bstats | |
CSequence_gstats | |
►CStep_registry | |
CErr | |
CMeta | |
CStep_variant_store | |
CSummary_visitor | |
CSummary_visitor2 | |
CType_index | |
CUnambiguous_interval_iter | |
CValue_ids_emid | Provides access to standard eMID values |
CValue_ids_paired | Provides access to standard values for paired read pipeline |
CValue_ids_single | Provides access to standard values for single read pipeline |
►CValue_map | Store values mapped against name strings and value IDs |
CErr | |
CValue_names | |
►CVariable_path | |
CErr | |
►CVm_access_paired | Access to value map for paired read pipeline and processing steps |
CErr | |
CVm_access_paired_emid | Access to value map for paired eMID read pipeline and processing steps |
►CVm_access_single | |
CErr | |
CWrap | |
CWrite_seq | |
CWrite_value |